Kerstshow 8 december 2024
Keurmeester: Mevr. S. Mogony
BOB: Twice As Nice From the Noble Friends
BOS: Farquharson’s Princess Mimosa
CAC, CACIB Twice As Nice From the Noble Friends
RCAC, RCACIB Really Lord Maverick In Love With Dorea
CAC, CACIB Farquharson’s Princess Mimosa
RCAC, RCACIB Passion Fild Victory
Puppyklas reuen
1VB Immortal Kiss to Black Lofty Beste Puppy
Jeugdklas reuen
1ZG Xcalibur Of The Purple Fallow
Openklas reuen
1U Really Lord Maverick In Love With Dorea
2U Farquharson`s Scottish Huntsman
3ZG Gordon Glen Mafia Prince At Munroc
Kampioensklas reuen
1U Twice As Nice From the Noble Friends
2U Farquharson’s Qking Parcival
Veteranenklas reuen
1U Jumex From The Gordons Lodge, Beste Veteraan
Puppyklas teven
1VB Xclusiv Satine Du Roux Miroir
2VB . Xdream Lovely Tito Beautiful Darkness
Jeugdklas teven
1U Farquharson’s Triumph Of Love, Beste Jeugdhond
Tussenklas teven
1U Velvet Star From the Noble Friends
Openklas teven
1U Donna from Vancouver Castle
2U Latoya From the Moorland Friends
Kampioensklas teven
1U Farquharson’s Princess Mimosa
2U Passion Fild Victory